We will be restarting our Sunday and Wednesday night meetings on Sunday, June 7th at 9:30 am for the Lord’s Supper, 11:00 am for the Family Bible Hour and Sunday school, and Wednesday night for bible study and prayer. Starting on June 7th is the beginning of Summer Sunday School with the theme “The King of Glory”. We are looking forward to restarting the meeting and our hope is to see everyone out on June 7th!
May 2nd, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
We wanted to provide everyone with an update on the current status of the meeting. As you may be aware, Hillsborough County has continued closures until at least May 15th and Governor Desantis has announced his Phase 1 plan on re-opening the state (see below). Given the current circumstances, we will continue to monitor and as we get closer to the 15th, we will communicate on whether we reopen the meeting. Remain steadfast and in the Word during this time. See everyone soon!
State of Florida Phase 1:
Schools must keep distance learning
Visits to senior living facilities are prohibited
Elective surgeries can resume
Restaurants may offer outdoor seating with six feet of space between tables
Indoor seating at restaurants must be at 25% capacity
No change for bars, gyms and personal services, like hairdressers
Vulnerable individuals should avoid close contact with people outside the home
Everyone should maximize physical distance from others while in public
Avoid socializing in groups of more than 10 people in circumstances that do not "readily allow for physical distancing"
Face masks are recommended for those in face-to-face interactions and where you can't social distance.
March 31st, 2020 - Online Meetings and Resources
March 31st, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
We wanted to follow-up with everyone regarding the current situation and recommendations by Hillsborough County, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the President regarding COVID-19. We will continue suspending all meetings through April 30th at which time we will send out another update to everyone on how we will proceed. That said, please remain in the Word and in prayer. We as believers have been set apart for a purpose and our faith that we all have built up and strengthened throughout the years is to get us through times like these, so do not waiver but remain the course. Keep in mind it is also important to continue to support the meeting financially though PayPal or check as the expenses for the chapel do not go away because we are not meeting. Also, the Sunday School teachers/leads will work together in sending out weekly worksheets as well as make the videos available for those who elect to use the curriculum during this time apart. If you have any questions regarding Sunday School, please call, text, or email Brennien. Lastly, an email was sent out to everyone a couple of weeks ago and in that email, it contains a list and links to "Six Things we can do as an Assembly during Social Distancing". God Bless everyone and again, there will be no meetings at this point until possibly after April 30th. We will continue to communicate through social media, text, and email.
March 21st, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
March 18th, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
We wanted to provide the assembly with an update on the ongoing activities in light of the Coronavirus. As everyone is aware, recommendations on what to do and not to do are very dynamic and given this is an unprecedented situation for the world, our country, and our assembly, we thank everyone for their patience. That said, to be consistent with our last text message to the assembly, we will continue to move forward with our prayer and bible study tonight during our regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 pm. In regards to the remaining meetings during the month of March, all meetings are canceled on a go-forward basis through March 31st, at which time we will assess the current situation and touch base again with everyone. We ask everyone to stay safe and stay tuned as we communicate through text, email, and Facebook for updates. God bless!
March 13th, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
As most, if not all are aware, the world is trying to get their arms around coronavirus (COVID-19). We have been monitoring the news outlets as states and local jurisdictions begin or are well into the process of making plans to help mitigate the spread of the virus. That said, at this time, the meeting for this Sunday (3/13) will take place at the normally scheduled time, Lord’s Supper at 9:30 am followed by the Family Bible Hour at 11:00 am with our brother Brennien Coker bringing the message.